The Birth of Jesus Foretold through Scripture, Song, and Character Reenactment
Mary Encounters an Angel
Choir and Congregation Sing: Mary Did You Know
Joseph Encounters an Angel
Solo O Little Town of Bethlehem (1 verse)
No Room at the Inn, the Birth of Jesus in the Stable
Choir and Congregation Sing Two Songs: Noel, and
Away in a Manger
Angels Proclaim the Good News of Jesus' Birth to Shepherds
Choir and Congregation Sing: Hope Was Born
Three Kings Come to Worship the Newborn King
Choir sings We Three Kings ( 1 verse and chorus)
Others Come to Offer Gifts to the King
Choir sings Little Drummer Boy (1 verse)
Choir and Congregation Sing: O Holy Night
Final Advent Reading
Choir and Congregation Sing: Silent Night by candlelight (light candles)
Closing and Blessing Pastor Karrie Landsverk
May you have the gift of faith, the blessing of hope, and the peace of His love at Christmas and always.
A special thank you to Sam Hawley for the vision for this year's Christmas program brought to life with the many talents of Lu Anne & Bob Kau, Abra Denman, Skyler Hawley, Shari Kleist, Peggy Moll, and Brittany Sugden. A big thank you to all who sang in our choir, to all the children who portrayed various characters, and to Bob Breneman for lending his musical talents. Thank you all for helping make our service so wonderful!