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Our focus will be based on the scripture -
Psalm 16:11 NASB  You will make known to me the way of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.

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Dr. Karrie Landsverk- Opening Speaker

Karrie will share our opening message focused on our conference theme.

Dr. Karrie Landsverk serves as the lead pastor for Living Gospel Church and Chair for the North Central District Board of the International Ministerial's Association. Karrie has nearly thirty-five years of leadership experience. She is passionate about her faith and helping others discover and grow theirs in Christ Jesus. 

Karrie vividly remembers the day God grabbed hold of her heart as an adult and tears of joy were streaming down her face as she encountered His love for her. In that instant she knew the JOY of the Lord! He has given her great faith in who He is and the promises He has for His children. It is her great passion to show others this same love Christ offers to all who will open their hearts to Him.  Karrie strongly believes we as God’s daughters have all been called to make a powerful impact on the world around us for His glory and our great joy! We are given an eternal identity as beloved daughter to the Most High King. In His presence there is fullness of JOY! 


Julie McCarthy - Adult Ladies Speaker:

Julie's message is titled, "Joy in the Midst"

What does joy look like? Is it possible? And why do I need courage?
Julie will explore these questions, with God’s truth and personal stories that bring to life the
promises we have in Jesus, in our faith journey.


At the age of nineteen, while horseback riding on an unusually warm January day, Julie
prayerfully asked “Lord, is this everything there is to life? Or is there more? Am I missing
something? Please show me.” Discovering the answers transformed her life – forever! Julie’s
thirst to continue to draw nearer to God has fueled her desire to lead women in their journey of
learning God’s word and applying it in everyday life.

Julie is an accomplished entrepreneur and speaker. Julie holds a master’s degree in
Organizational Leadership from the University of Northwestern – St. Paul. Married to her
husband, Guy, for over 40 years, they have four children and six grandchildren. Her dearest
titles are wife, mom, grandma, and friend. Time with her children and grandchildren are
cherished, along with fishing, kayaking, playing tennis and long walks. Crisp fall air, buttery
popcorn with Parmesan and the sound of horse hooves walking through the woods are a few of
her favorite things.

Julie is a published Author and will have her book, "Courageous Joy"  available for purchase at our conference. 


Sarah Monson - Speaker Youth

Sarah will lead the youth message titled:

Personality and the Presence of God 

Have you ever set aside time for God, only to leave with the same difficult memories and emotions you began with? If “fullness of joy” is found in God’s presence, why don’t we always experience the transformation Scripture promises?

In this breakout session, we will journey through Psalm 16, exploring how our personalities influence our spiritual journey. Together, we will better understand how to truly enjoy God while pursuing his presence in every aspect of our lives.

Born and raised in Madison, Sarah is a wholehearted follower of Jesus. As the author of The Redeeming Beauty Project, she is passionate about combining theology and photography to teach teen girls about beauty and identity. A few of her favorite things include reading as many books as possible, camping, and playing at the park with her three nephews.

Kim Couture-Pastor and Worship Leader

Pastor Kim Couture serves alongside her husband, Pastor Tom Couture at Bethel Church in Eau Claire, WI. They are second generation pastors and ministry leaders as Kim's parents founded the church they now lead. Kim and Tom have been pastoring 39 years,  praise the Lord! Pastor Kim leads worship in her church and women's ministry small groups and other events. She along with other musically gifted ladies from her church will be leading us in praise worship, and we are sure to be richly blessed as they draw us into the presence of God. 

All will enjoy our first message, with the youth breaking about halfway through to enjoy a fun ice breaker activity on their own. We'll have a short break and dive into our second messages from Julie and Sarah and allow for great small group sharing following the messages.

We'll all come back together for a wonderful lunch served by the men of Living Gospel Church and enjoy a time of fellowship. We'll gather back together for additional praise and worship and our tradition of sharing love letters from God for all ladies.

It's sure to be a wonderful day to come together as God's daughters! Please help spread the word and be sure to join in this uplifting and powerful day of worship!


Remember we give special prizes for the very first registration and the one who registers the largest group of ladies!

Register Online by simply using the button here or contact Pastor Karrie at

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