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Our focus will be based on the scripture -
Matthew 6:33  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

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Dr. Karrie Landsverk- Opening Speaker

Karrie will share our opening message focused on our conference theme.

Dr. Karrie Landsverk serves as the pastor for Living Gospel Church and Chair for the North Central District Board of the International Ministerial's Association. She is a professional speaker with over twenty-five years of experience in areas of leadership and communication. She is passionate about her faith and helping others discover and grow theirs in Christ Jesus. 

Karrie vividly remembers the day God grabbed hold of her heart as an adult and tears of joy were streaming down her face as she encountered His love for her. He has given her great faith in who He is and the promises He has for His children. It is her great passion to show others this same love Christ offers to all who will open their hearts to Him.  Karrie strongly believes we as God’s daughters have all been called to make a powerful impact on the world around us for His glory and our great joy! We are His chosen treasures, called by name, set apart for His great purposes, and given an eternal identity as beloved daughter to the Most High King. 


Marlene Sorenson - Adult Ladies Speaker:

Marlene's message is titled, "Belonging, Beholding, and Becoming"

So often we can wrongly believe we don't belong anywhere. We search for ways to attain that deep cry within us, to belong. We look for it our marriages, as a mother, in our jobs and the many titles we can carry in life. Marlene will discuss this truth, if we don't know our belonging to the heart of God, the other pieces of our lives never deeply attach. She will share part of her journey in finding where she truly belonged and how that knowing changed everything in how she lives her life. 

Marlene Sorenson is the Co-Founder/Executive Director of Zeteo Community based in
Madison WI which is a non-profit organization working to provide housing, healing and
hope for women who have been sexually exploited and their children. You can learn
more at

Marlene was previously a women’s pastor at a church in Madison WI for a number of
years and has a deep desire to see people set free to live in their true identity in a
dynamic relationship with God. She is passionately in love with Jesus and loves the
journey He has her husband Kenton and her on.
She is a mother of two and grandmother of three amazing girls and loves planning
sleepovers with her granddaughters

Callie White - Co-Speaker Youth

Callie and Jessica will co-lead the youth message titled:

Recovering From Identity Theft: Becoming Daughters of the King by Seeking God’s Kingdom in Your Life. 

Their focus will be on kingdom tools to allow how God sees us to shape how we live and see ourselves.  We invite you to please bring your young ladies to hear this powerful message of truth for them. 

I am married to my best friend, and my pastor (Steven White) for 26 years now. We have three grown children, three cats, and one dog. I am passionate about serving and worshiping the Lord in my role as a Family Nurse Practitioner, but also in children’s ministry, music ministry, the Greeting team, and the occasional preaching/teaching opportunity within my church setting. I think one of the key things to remember about God is that he is for you and wants you to be found in Him.

Jessica Brandau-Co-Speaker Youth

Callie and Jessica will co-lead the youth message titled:

Recovering From Identity Theft: Becoming Daughters of the King by Seeking God’s Kingdom in Your Life. 

Their focus will be on kingdom tools to allow how God sees us to shape how we live and see ourselves.  We invite you to please bring your young ladies to hear this powerful message of truth for them. 

I’m married to my husband David Brandau and we live in Osage, IA. I received my AAS in Early Childhood Education in 2012 and currently teach 3-year-old Preschool. Over the years I have served in various ministries including children’s, youth and women’s. I have also done some missions work in Eurasia. I am currently finishing my associates degree in biblical studies and if God wills I will continue working towards my BA in Early Childhood next fall. While I have a passion in teaching young minds, I am also passionate about overseas missions and teaching the gospel to all women so they can grow in their identity as God’s child.

Karen Stewart-Co-Worship Leader

Karen Stewart serves as worship ministry leader and on the women's ministry team at New Crossing Church in Sun Prairie, WI.  Never would she have imagined that she'd be leading worship.  In fact, when she was in high school she refused to sing because she didn’t believe she could. Yet the Lord knew otherwise, and through a series of many little steps over many years, He has brought her to where she is today.  She also loves helping the church run smoothly by doing the bookkeeping and helping with administration.  Karen, her husband Tad and 3 teenage daughters live in Sun Prairie.

Rachel Hazard- Co-Worship Leader

"I feel very blessed to have grown up in a musical family. From a young age I sang at church events and just-for-fun, especially with my lovely mother. My focus shifted to playing flute and piano for quite a few years until I picked up a guitar in high school and decided to teach myself. With encouragement from youth leaders, Madison area church members as well as family, I began to gain confidence and join worship teams where I'd play guitar and sing at services & events alongside many awesome people. Four years later I became a lost sheep, separated from God and seldom played or sang for a span of almost a decade. In early 2022, Jesus rescued me and restored my voice, but most importantly my heart..back to a worshipful and grateful one. With that, I'm so grateful for the NCC worship team that I have the privilege to be a part of, and for it's supportive leadership."

All will enjoy our first message, with the youth breaking about halfway through to enjoy a fun ice breaker activity on their own. We'll have a short break and dive into our second messages from Gill and Katie and allow for great small group sharing following the messages.

We'll all come back together for a wonderful lunch served by the men of Living Gospel Church and enjoy a time of fellowship. We'll gather back together for additional praise and worship and our tradition of sharing love letters from God for all ladies.

It's sure to be a wonderful day to come together as God's daughters! Please help spread the word and be sure to join in this uplifting and powerful day of worship!


Remember we give special prizes for the very first registration and the one who registers the largest group of ladies!

Register Online by simply using the button here or contact Michelle at

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